I used to use Nexus Mod Manager (the old one which could never be updated, but still worked for me anyway), but when I switched over to Vortex, I had to make sure that Nexus Mod Manager was no longer overseeing mods for Fallout 4, but my copy of Skyrim still has mods from Nexus Mod Manager. To improve your experience making friends and influencing people in the Commonwealth, I’ve gathered a list of my favorite companion-related mods available for Fallout 4, making sure there’s something for players on every platform. Wait, do you, by any chance, have a different mod manager on your computer, such as Nexus Mod Manager? Maybe you were using mods on Fallout 4 using Nexus Mod Manager ages ago, but then switched over to Mod Organiser 2, without fully removing all Fallout 4 mods from Nexus Mod Manager? That's strange, switching apps? That's what it says on your Mod Organiser 2 when you try to install CBBE? Originally posted by the wrecked robot:ive down loaded the cbbe file im not know ov another one and when i try to download with mo 2 it says do you want to switch apps trying to switch to nxm links proxy