
Half life 2 fake factory
Half life 2 fake factory

Gordon goes on a journey during which he is faced with fighting machines of the Alliance, frightening aliens and modified people, fulfilling the will of the invaders. Half-Life 2 : The game continues the story of adventures of Gordon Freeman, a research scientist, fighting with the inhabitants of other worlds, invaded the world of men. Combined with the excellent facial animation system from Valve on the move characters look completely alive. All versions of the model proposed by Alix have a very realistic eye to the effect of moisture and diffused reflection of the environment. and they did a 100% perfect jobħ.what do you mean "they couldve been wasted" ?Ĩ.In the Cinematic Mod Graphics Half-Life 2 was even better: one of the most interesting features is the new improved model of Alix, which was done on the basis of appearance Jamil Mullen, who became the prototype of the original model of Alyx in Half-Life 2.Īlso present a model based on the appearance of Adriana Lima.

half life 2 fake factory

they intented to change stuff to make the game feel new. just like the entire feel of half life 2Ħ.its a complete conversion. I find this so freaking hilarious hahahahahahaĢ.i agree, only a pathetic teenager would make these modelsģ.in the options menu you have a brightness slider xDĤ.its a sign of abandonment. So why does everyone say "it takes away the atmosphere from the game" O.o You wanna know why people hate Cinematic mod?ġ.HL2's atmosphere of sci-fi was Christopher Nolan-ized/Micheal Bay-d/JJ Abrams-d and looks completely unrecognizableĢ.The completly out-of-place/wasted time on the character models I know it can be disabled,but FakeFactory could've been less horny and wasted the same time on those models for something else.ģ.It looks too dark,almost like Metro:2033 but with the fun surgically removedĤ.The wildlife growing out of EVERYWHERE I thought City 17 was supposed to be a Russian City or whatever,not a greenhouseĥ.The fact that there's a Hans Zimmer soundtrack makes this game less sci-fi,like this was directed by Uwe Boll.Ħ.The world was amazing in HL2,but FakeFactory decided"WEHLL NO,LET'S MAKE EVERY PLACE LOOK LIKE IT'S BEEN TO 2099 AND BACK"ħ.The guns,while they are good looking,could've been wasted on another HL2 mod.Ĩ.The Graffiti on the walls while some show a world where children are never seen,mainly,they show FakeFactory's horniness it makes the game really nice looking and its only giving you a reason to play the game even once again, with different weapon skins etc

half life 2 fake factory

Originally posted by TSWolf Nexures:ive always been a huge fan of half life games, and when i tried that mod i thought it was actually amazing.

Half life 2 fake factory