I don't know, I'm not very committed to this decision, but whatever." - Indecisiveness, Knock Knock "Hjababujajebaba!!" - "Shuffling" through a dense forest christened "The Mumble Dance" by many Markiplites, Knock Knock "To infini-nope and beyond." - Nope-ing out, Steve's Office Who t-bagged my di-oook." - Sightline: The Chair

"O-whoa-K balls? In my face? Did not request balls in my fa-yaa.balls in my dinner. "Squeeeeeeeeeaaak!" - Opening a squeaky door "Excuse me? 'SCUSE ME?!" - Showing extreme confusion or fear in situationsĪAHHH! IT'S A THINGY!!! - Common exclamation caused by fear "Looking for the fastest time? Well, look no further than me, Markiplier, the greatest bottle-runner EVER!" - Self-entitlement, Happy Wheels Highlights #54 "Bing-bong! Bring it on!" - Fatal taunts, SCP: Containment Breach "Get your mind outta the gutter!" - Quoted after anything remotely dirty. "Oh I'm so boned!/We're boned!" - Facing imminent danger or death. "Instructions not clear, got dick stuck in ghost." - Fatal Frame 2 - Crimson Butterfly

"Hey lil' mama lemme whisper in ya ear." - Thoroughly amused, Markiplier's Photobooth Fun "It's so peaceful and pretty I think I'm going to vomit." - Sightline: The Chair "GO AWAY! NOBODY LIKES YOU! HES STILL THERE!"- Five Nights At Freddy's "JESUS BALLS AND ASS COCK!!!!!!!"- Free Heart Attack Black Rose Love is apparently Candy Crush." - HuniePop #1 That's what they say right? Love is something anyway. "Love is blind I think that's what they say. When Mark gets gang banged by Luigi and Bowser. "And I get coin- WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWUTHAPPENEDTOME?! Did you see that?!!!" - Mark and Ross' Grumpcade of Super Mario Kart Ep 6. "Bing bong, bing bong, here comes my ding dong!" - to Venus in HuniePop "Bitch, I'm fabulous!" - Mark to Venus in GOD OF LOVE "I LOVE SENPAI YES I DO, HE'S FOR ME NOT FOR YOU!" - Mark while torturing classmates in yandere simulator Cuz Mark says that also this will be more organized.

So I did jackaboy so now Markimooooo! Remember there are swearing, sexual sayings, ect.