As good as mass effect 2 in storytelling, and almost as good as mass effect 1 in rpg-like skill/item medications and exp distribution. Imported save games determine a lot, from entire characters no longer existing in the story to conflicts that play out entirely different.Multiplayer is fun, and is not required to get the best ending in the game.

In terms of streamlining - which I hate - the game is in between mass effect 1 and 2, the major disappointment in the game is the planet exploring, which has been stripped down.

The games visuals have been improved a lot, and the pc version looks quite spectacular despite and aging core engine, and runs smoother than the previous games to boot. The story is emotional, hard hitting, and diverse. It boasts significantly improved gameplay fluidity and mechanics, as well as a more varied campaign. It boasts significantly improved gameplay fluidity and mechanics, as well as a Mass effect 3 is a fitting conclusion to the mass effect saga. Mass effect 3 is a fitting conclusion to the mass effect saga.